Who We Are

We are a multi-disciplinary design studio involved in all aspects of the design process from the individual homeowner to architecture firms to contractors to developers.

At BSB Studios, we view the design process as a journey . And like any journey there are bumps along the way that we can learn from and make our projects better. We are here to learn from those bumps – and to design smarter because of them.

We are a proud Miami based company serving south-east Florida. At BSB Studios we are invested in south Florida. Not just for today’s profits, but for the long term sustainability of our region. We can make this a livable, organically grown urban and sub-urban environment where we truly live where others vacation.

What we believe in

We believe in design that is sustainable and fosters human interaction. Buildings are built for the long term, and we are here to preserve natural resources by encouraging renovation and infill projects in our region.

What we do

We help building owners and designers design better, work smarter, and focus on what they want to build our cities.

See Our Services ⭢

'Thank you for giving me the confidence in an area I know nothing about! Your [office's] professionalism is very apparent and communication was very refreshing and easy!"
Julian Fernandez
Home Owner


BSB Studios was founded in Miami by locals. We invite you to meet our team, led by people with personal character and industry specific expertise. Chances are if you work in South Florida in design & construction, you’ve met at least some of us already.

Meet Our People ⭢

Looking for a portfolio of projects we've been a part of?

For a curated selection of projects related to your needs, please contact us.

See Recent Projects ⭢